My Fishing Journey: What I Remember

As I start this blog and hope that many of you will share some fishing stories, I thought it only appropriate that I share what I remember about my journey. How each outing had its own special memories. The excitement of waking up early in hopes of catching that “Big One”. Spending time with my Dad and as I grew older with friends.

What I Love About Fishing

Growing up fishing is a sport that you don’t have to be good at to do and enjoy. I was rather competitive and it didn’t matter if I was playing road hockey or with my Rep Team playing in a tournament. I wanted to win! Fishing was different. There was nothing competitive about it, although there certainly can be. It was simply time well spent with my Dad and it was just relaxing. As long as I can remember, regardless of my age, when I got to go fishing, nothing else mattered in the world.

Now, as I have become a Papa to 2 amazing Grandchildren, I can’t wait to share this same experience with them. Life circumstances got in the way of doing this with my own daughters and I won’t let it get in the way of doing it with my Grandkids. That being said I am hoping my own daughters will start to show an interest in fishing so we can gain some of that time together that we have missed. Fishing tends to heal a lot of things, at least that is how I feel.

My First Adventure: The Snake That Chased Me Away

I remember my first fishing adventure vividly. It is like it just happened. My Dad and Grandpa took me to a small little river for Speckle Trout. It was supposed to be a guaranteed spot for catching some nice little fish. Perfect for a first timer like this 5 year old. I was so excited.

When we arrived, we picked the spot and got our lines ready. My Dad tied a small frog on my line. he said this always catches fish. Just be patient though. Patience wasn’t something I knew well with my competitive spirit. I tried and I talked and was so happy to have my Grandpa with us.

What seemed like hours passed but, it was really only 15 minutes or so. I had a fish on and what do I do, Panic! I started yelling, what do I do Dad? “Set the hook, pull back on your pole and start to reel slowly”, he says. Slowly, right. I give the pole a jerk and reel as fast as I can. I lost the fish. I was so disappointed. Next time I will be ready.

So we spent another little while there, talking and enjoying the time together. Grandpa trying to keep me quiet so I wouldn’t scare the fish he would say. Then it happened! A WATER SNAKE approached me at high speeds and that was it for me. I dropped my pole, ran up the side of the bank and went straight to the truck. I was not getting back out and I was not fishing in that guaranteed fishing hole again! I was outta there to say the least.

I have been terrified of snakes ever since and that is my first fishing memory but it is certainly not my last. I was hooked on fishing and this was only the beginning.

What Was Next?

I have many memories fishing with my Dad from the local river systems to trolling in our first boat. Although it took me a while to get the courage up to go to another backwoods stream for those small but mighty Speckle trout, I never missed an opportunity to go fishing.

I remember my friend being shown in the local newspaper with an amazing catch, a 27 pound Salmon. We were only about 8 or 9. The fish was almost as big as him and he could barely hold it up off the ground for the picture. I dreamed of catching a fish that big some day. he was the talk of the neighbourhood for months.

Growing up though it was sometimes tough to get fishing. My Dad worked a lot of overtime, I played competitive sports, Lacrosse in the Summer and Hockey in the Winter. We got out when we could and enjoyed every minute together.

Fishing Derbies: My Competitive Spirit in Play

As I grew older, we started entering the local fishing derbies. There was a Fall Rainbow Trout 3 day tournament and eventually a late Summer Salmon Derby. Now fishing got really fun for me. I could be competitive and regardless of catching something, I wanted to win every time.

We would put in hours trying to catch the big one. I wanted to be fishing every moment I wasn’t in school or playing Hockey. During these derbies, nothing else mattered for me. We would be fishing before the sun would rise and well after it would set.

I loved these derbies. Sadly the Fall Rainbow derby ended and there was only the late Summer Salmon derby but I still wanted to win. The biggest Salmon won a new boat, trailer and motor package. How I wanted that for my Dad. He deserved it so much.

We never won the derby but, I did catch a pretty big Salmon one year. I was so excited. Took us over 45 minutes to win the battle with this monster. It simply would not surface and stayed low for a very long time. I finally got a peek at it. It was massive. I thought we might just have a contender. When we got to the weigh station, it was just over 28 pounds! What a catch. I was pumped, only to find out that we didn’t even make the Top 10 of the Day! Talk about a let down. Disappointment set in. My Dad was trying to see the bright side of it and said, “That is one huge catch son and we should get it mounted.” I think he was shocked at my reply. “Dad, we didn’t even make the top 10. Why would we waste money mounting that fish?” We didn’t mount it but, to this day I wish we would have. What a memory that would be to have all the time looking at me.

Final Thoughts

There are many other adventures like my first and only time Ice Fishing and catching a fish that I never even had hooked but, I don’t want to take up the entire stage.

The moral of this fish tale is simply enjoy the moment because you never know how many moments you will get. My Dad has passed now and I wish he was still hear every day to go fishing with me. Talk about this blog and my Tackle shop and say “You ready for the Derby son?”

So please take your kids fishing, take your Grandkids fishing and just go yourself. You never know who you will see there and strike up a conversation with. Don’t miss making the next great fish story!

If you have any stories you would like to tell, please comment below or contact us. We would love to hear about your big adventures.

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